Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yeah, still nothing. I went with Mom to take the dogs out for a walk this morning then have been moving around plenty today, hoping that gravity will work in my favor. It seems to have helped, as I have even more pain in my legs from the baby pushing on me, but I still have yet to go into labor. Total bummer.

At least I've started getting responses from employers. Hopefully I'll have an at-home job by the time is baby here or shortly after. I'll have plenty of nonsense to pay for and the last time I checked, knitted scarves are not a form of currency [..darn it!].

It doesn't feel like Christmas is right around the corner. By this time last year, I already had everyone's presents all wrapped and ready to go. Not so much this year. All my focus is on my impending motherhood [understandable, right?]; I'm more excited for baby to have its first Christmas.. though it'll only be two weeks old.

Well, time to work some more on my fingerless gloves. I'm almost half way done with one.. which reminds me that I need to work on taking pictures, haha. Mom should be on her way home from the BX soon so I'll see if she'll let me borrow her camera.

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