Sunday, November 23, 2008

On a day like this - where I feel like I can't move because of the soreness in my legs and the annoying cramping in my lower back - I'm pissed that I can't do anything that I had wanted to do today. I wanted to finish setting up my room, get stuff organized, get all the crap out of my car, and remove anything that I don't want. Nope, didn't get to any of that stuff today. Instead I laid in my bed, barely moving, sleeping when the pain was starting to seriously annoy me. Oh well, I guess there's nothing I can do but bear it and hope tomorrow is better.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

So sorry your not feeling your best Miss Megan. It'll be over soon and then you can go back to a "normal" routine. Or a routine in general really. Love you!!