Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Twitter's down.. again. There is nothing good on television. I should be sleeping already. I'm surfing knitting sites, because I want to start projects that I know I won't have time to finish once the baby is here but I'm still determined. A friend of mine did give me a good piece of advice though - "Instead of sleeping while the baby is sleeping, why can't you knit?" A-ha! At least knitting is quiet and I can stay in the same room with baby, if I choose to. Oh, and Rod & co. sent me a gift card, so I get to go baby shopping. Sweet. I've found that I enjoy baby shopping even more than I enjoy shopping for yarn. Well, I guess one of us isn't ready for me to go to bed, so I'll knit until I can't keep my eyes open. 20 minutes, max.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Oh sure..I don't check for a few days and you've went posting crazy!! FIGURES! ;) So glad to here things are coming together for you!!

Take Care

Love ya!!