Saturday, November 22, 2008


That thing under my "About Me" is from Twitter, which will post my updates. Nifty, ain't it? Anyway, had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I am 1cm dilated and 25% effaced [is that the right word?]; doctor said that it doesn't predict my progress, just where I was at that time. But still, it's pretty exciting. Other than that, I'm almost done with my baby blanket. Which I'm very proud of, considering I've only been working on it for the last five days [but I really have nothing else to do right now..]. Hopefully I'll be done with it by tomorrow and have pictures posted, both here and on Ravelry - which I FINALLY got to join today, since my invite arrived. After this blanket, I'm going to try to get all my "to do" projects done. I also want to make myself a pair of garter stitch fingerless gloves by my birthday. And knit the baby about a zillion things, haha. Wish me luck.

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