Saturday, November 29, 2008

Eww, my feet are like twice their normal size today! They're really gnarly looking and kinda freaking me out. I should probably be lying down, or at least elevating them.. I'll get around to it. And I'm severely disappointed that I haven't knit anything in the last three days. The heck have I been doing?! Oh, and I'm really over this whole "Get minor contractions for 30 minutes (making me feel like I should be getting ready to gogogo!) and then.. nothing for three hours." My kid is still in utero and already playing mindgames with me. ..Yup, definitely my kid. I'm gonna go see if I can get some of this swelling to go down. It's really difficult to walk already, I don't need to worry about waddling on swollen feet. Oh look, another contraction..

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