Saturday, October 18, 2008

There really is no place like home

As we speak, my mother (who is beyond awesome, by the way) is on her way to Manhattan, Kansas to take this city girl back home. It's not a matter of failure, it's a matter of me really needing to be surrounded by things I know right now. I've been homesick for almost three months now and it just got to the point where I was asking myself "..Then why in the world am I still here?!" I never saw much of this town, considering I don't have a car, and it never quite felt like someplace I could ever call home. I guess I'm just too used to Vegas and it's size, heh. I love small towns.. No, wait, correction: I love MY small town - Roann. I've learned that, while I do want to be on my own, I still want my family within distance. I still need my family within distance. Though I'm moving back to Sin City, I'm not moving back in with the parentals. My best friend, Charlene, and her mom have a room that they want to rent out to me, which I happily accepted. I've known Charlene since I was about 15 years old (best friends since I was 18, though) so I know how good of a person she is. Anyway, Mom's starting out on her journey right now and should be here tomorrow night. Then we'll leave first thing Monday morning. Words cannot even begin to describe how excited I am; I couldn't even sleep last night, I just wanted to pack pack pack!! I'll be completely set by the time Mom gets here so she doesn't have to do anything but help me load some boxes and furniture. Oh, and the best part about living with Charlene: Emma gets to live with me!!!!!!!!! That poor thing needs to stop living in a kennel and go back to sleeping on my bed every night. This will probably be my last post until I'm officially in Vegas, since I need to pack my computer and break down my computer desk, hehe. I CAN'T WAIT TO BE HOME!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Your not failing at all! You wanted to try it and you did....I don't blame you for wanting family within distance. I think at this point and time in our lives that is THE most important thing. Life is to short. Go home and hug everyone around you! But just b/c you move back home doesn't mean that you still won't update your blog on a regular basis, right?! ;) I love you...