Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just a little f.y.i.

I am soooo glad to finally be back home in Las Vegas!! Who else has a mom that would drive 2600 miles in five days to bring you back home then turn around and have to be at work by 6:30am the next morning?! My mom's incredible. THANKS AGAIN MAMA!! We got into Sin City around 3 yesterday and immediately went to my new house to unload the trailer and see Charlene. Emma spent the night there so she could get used to the room, plus I didn't want her to have to battle two dogs and yet another car ride. I spent the night at Mom and Dad's, saw Matt, Starla, Barn, and Dad. Socks is in hiding somewhere, but I hear that's the norm now. I woke up to Starla laying across my legs and Barney whimpering for my attention next to my head, haha. I got up around 6:45am, which is now normal for me since that would make it 8:45am Kansas time. Hopefully I'll start waking up at a decent hour. Anyway, I plan on driving my car to my house today, cleaning and setting up my room, and hopefully going down to Cox Communications for new cable and modem boxes so I'll have internet and cable in my room by tonight, if not by tomorrow night. As far as knitting, my main focuses are Estelle's baby blanket (which is more of a spare time project) and knitting things to put up on Etsy. I'm getting a lot of ideas for things to sell, so we'll see how it goes. My next post will come once I've got internet in my house so be patient!! =]

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

SOoooooo how's life back in sin city?