Saturday, January 3, 2009

Busy Mama am I.

Quick update while Caden catnaps, hehe. He's been having difficulty sleeping lately so maybe I can get out a paragraph or two before he wakes up. Poor guy. =[

His sleep cycle is off because he and Mommy had their first outing yesterday [!!!!]. We went in Grandma's car to Charlene's house, where we picked up the Godmommy and went to the mall [where Mommy got two awesome shirts], Joann's [where Mommy got some sweeeeet yarn that will eventually be a hat/scarf combo for Mommy], and Walmart [where Caden got a new shirt]. Because we were in the car for a while, Caden fell asleep in his carseat. Unfortunately, he stayed asleep for a good 5 1/2 hours. Since he slept so much yesterday afternoon, he didn't want to sleep much last night.

And today he slept for a bit while I went to get my hair chopped off [some SERIOUS cutting got done - Myspace pictures will be up by tomorrow] and did some errand running. But he hasn't slept much for Mommy.. =[ I think he's a little pissed that I didn't take him out with me again, heh.

Cross your fingers that he'll sleep tonight!!

Oh, btw: Caden and I are doing the "365 Challenge". Basically you put a picture up of yourself every day for a year. I couldn't think of a better excuse to take constant pictures of him & have a reason to show 'em off, haha.

I've taken more recent pictures of Caden this week that are currently still sitting on the digital camera, but I'll get them on Myspace soon! Along with pictures of me with my new hurr 'do. =]

Now off to knit and soothe Caden when he starts fussing. Which should be in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Your new blog threw me off...LOL I wasn't expecting a whole new background and everything! Can't wait to see the pics of your new hair do! AND pics of the little guy! Can't wait to get my hands on him. :) xoxo