Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Last night was no fun. I think Caden slept for a total of 2 hours - cut up into 15 minute intervals. Then he'd fuss about different things.. a bottle, a new diaper, he felt cold, then he was sweating, and [my personal favorite] Mom was too far and/or wasn't holding him. Oy vey.

I was rather thankful today that I had the downstairs to myself for 3/4 of the day since I knew I was going to be crabby. Caden slept in his swing the entire day, too. Gave me plenty of time to develop an annoyance towards Charlene's scarf. I had to frog it again; it was giving me such a headache. She already knew she was getting this scarf, but I warned her that she may not be getting it on Friday because it's such a pain in the ass. And it's all due to human error. I get sidetracked with a tv show, the phone rings, the dogs start barking their heads off, or Caden needs me.. I set it down, I forget what row I'm on, and I manage to screw it up remarkably fast. I needed something to ease the headache so I started a cowl for myself. I'm knitting it on 10 and 1/2s [which seem gigantic considering I've been knitting on 7's for the last week] with a wool yarn in a Jade color [I love it; it's got a tint of gold to it] on a pattern that, according to Ravelry, most people are finishing in about 2 days of nonstop knitting. The pattern reads somewhat difficult, but luckily I found someone who made it idiotproof so I'm really enjoying it.

Another post will be coming soon with Caden and I's first day of the "365". Right now, I've got ice cream waiting on me.. =]

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