Tuesday, January 13, 2009

True, I've swapped updating my blog everyday for my knitting [unless the kid's awake - then he gets 100% of my attention]. I severely need to get my current one, a scarf for Charlene, done. I wanted to get it done before I had Caden.. and that didn't happen. Then I wanted to get it done before Christmas.. and that didn't happen either. Then I said "Ok! New Year's!".. Can you see the pattern developing? But I've finally settled on yarn that I love [she loves it too - she was with me when I got it, having no idea that it was intended for her] and a pattern that is easy enough for me to remember and knit while Caden sleeps. I frogged it last night [that's knitting lingo for "I ripped it out"] but I restarted it and I'm determined to have it done by Friday.

After this scarf, I want to do 3 hats [one for Charlene (to match the scarf), one for myself (it'll match Charlene's), and another that may be a surprise], knit up some little Valentine's Day hearts for Gracie and Grant when they come see me and "Baby Cadee", and yet another scarf for Charlene's birthday [June 30th]. We want to take Caden and go to San Francisco the weekend before her birthday, since they have a HUGE Pride parade. Charlene's always wanted to go and since I'm a full-fledged supporter of equal rights [humans are humans are humans and should all be treated the same, btw], we've decided we really wanna go. Plus Caden will be 6 months be then - old enough to hang out with Mommy and Godmommy at the beach [!!!!]. I'm hoping Mom and Dad will let me defer my Christmas money and my birthday celebration [it's only 20, next year's the fun one] into a trip to San Fran.

By the way, today was a Caden milestone. He was in his swing and when he saw his mama, he smiled really wide.. and giggled. FOR THE FIRST TIME!! It was the cutest thing I've ever heard! I was the only one around to hear it.. which made it all the more special, because it was intended for Mommy. =]

Speaking of the kid, there are 10 new pictures of him on my Myspace [plus a new picture of myself - new hair!!].. and he's now awake so Mommy needs to go heat up a bottle.

Wish me luck getting the scarf done on time! I'll post pictures of it once I'm done. Oh, and Caden and I's "365 Challenge" starts tomorrow on Caden's 5th Week so look out for *new* pictures of me and the kid every. single. day.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

aawww I'm so glad you having time to blog..I miss my Megas updates!! When I'm out there you and your mom are really going to have to sit down with me and give me a crash course in some of this knitting stuff. I lack a knitting buddy here and since you guys are my cross country knitting buddies your stuck with teaching me. ;)